The Black Disciples Endowment Fund (BDEF) has given out $776,407.37 in grants to support the work of leadership development, congregational growth and vitality, and advocacy projects that ensure the well-being of the African American community. BDEF is an endowment fund owned by the National Christian Missionary Convention invested with the Christian Church Foundation. Established in 1984 to undergird Black ministries within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, it has grown significantly and impacted a multitude of individuals and ministries. It is comprised of numerous named funds and legacy donations honoring individuals and ancestors throughout the life of the church.
A recent grant award to the Certificate of African American Ministry (CAAM) program, in partnership with the Lexington Theological Seminary, helped support clergy education and leadership development. Grants from the Black Disciples Endowment Fund have also provided resources for the African American Institute of Faith and Life, and workshops during the biennial session of the National Convocation and General Assembly.
A new grant cycle will commence this fall. Through the BDEF’s granting program, earnings from the fund will be awarded to approved projects to fund a variety of initiatives to sustain emerging leaders and to strengthen and expand ministries as they adapt to meet needs during these challenging times.