National Convocation of the Christian Church
is an expression of the church that promotes reconciliation, social justice concerns,
and transformational ministry, by equipping
and training clergy and laity leadership,
and empowering congregations to do mission and ministry for the 21st century.
About Us
our strategy
Promote and support transformational Ministry
in our local congregations.
Promote and support reconciliation, social justice and move our congregations toward being pro-reconciling / anti-racism communities.
Strengthen and transform the Biennial Session
To build meaningful and personal relationships with the people of our communities and other bodies essential to transforming congregations to do mission and ministry in a current and emerging context.
(Romans 12:9-21)
(Isaiah 43:19)
our covenant
We shall strive to do mission and ministry to all generations within our communities and seek to be a conduit of God’s unconditional love to all people.
Continuous be relevant,
thriving, and vibrant Disciples congregations of the National Convocation, preparing
ourselves for mission and
ministry in the 21st Century.
To accomplish these objectives the NCCC will empower and promote congregations in the following nine goals:
Leader Development and Faith Formation – (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Model Oneness through the Merger Process- (John 17:21, Ephesians 4:11-12)
Promote Faithful, Vital and Healthy Congregations- (Acts 1:8, Romans 12:1-2)
Ministerial Recruitment and Nurture- (1Timothy 2:5-8, Philippians 4:13, 14)
Develop and Sustain New Congregations- (1 Peter 2:5, Matthew 28:18-20)
Promote and Support Transformational Ministry- (Romans 12:2)
Promote and Support Reconciliation and Social Justice- (Micah 6:8)
Promote and encourage good stewardship – (Galatians 6:7)
Strengthen the Biennial Session
Read our provisional Strategic Vision & Mission Plan
Our Vision Plan (2017-2020)
2020-2022 is a time of imagination and strategic planning to refine and solidify our vision
The International Convention adopted the “Principles for Merger of the National Christian Missionary Convention, the United Christian Missionary Society and the International Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).” As a result of the adoption of the “Principles” document, the National Convocation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was formed to “nurture a realization of the merger vision.” The National Convocation is an expression of the church that is positioned to promote reconciliation, social justice concerns, and transformative congregations, equip and train clergy and laity leadership and empower congregations to do mission and ministry for 21st century.