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We thank you for your time during our first virtual business meeting. The 26th Biennial Business Session will be held on Saturday, August 15, 2020. The meeting will begin at 12 pm (EST) and conclude around 3 pm (EST).


We invite you to join us 15 minutes before the meeting starts.  


At the virtual Biennial Business Session, we will want to:

  1. Install new Officers;

  2. Install new At-Large Members;

  3. Receive the Strategic Plan and Vision Statement;

  4. Approve the proposed Amendments to the Articles of Operation;

  5. Receive the Advisory Committee report;

  6. Receive the Nominating Committee report;

  7. and receive the Time & Place Committee report.


As we explore this new way of being “together” for our meeting, we have prepared a few meeting protocols and recommendations to help us run the meeting smoothly. 


During our time together, we will have Communion. We would like to welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us. We invite you to prepare some bread (or crackers) of any kind. Let it be something you alone or you with others in your house may break and share. Prepare a cup or cups of juice - perhaps grape or cranberry. Set these elements aside, where you will gather to attend the virtual business session. Perhaps you want to put them on a lovely cloth or fabric that reminds you of a special time or a person deeply connected with you in the communion of saints. Perhaps you will light a candle or place a flower or plant beside the bread and the cup. May we all come, as one, and partake of the Lord's Table. Thank you in advance for your preparations.


We look forward to welcoming each of you. 



Program - Biennial Business Session (3).

Use the link to connect to Zoom on Saturday, August 15th

at 12:00pm Eastern Time.


You can join the meeting

15 minutes before it starts.


If you need to join the meeting

via telephone (dial-in),

Dial: 1-646-876-9923

Meeting ID: 858 8186 3949




Disciples Home Missions

Rev. Sheila Spencer, Interim President


Christian Education & Faith Formation

Rev. Sheila Spencer

Director of Christian Education/Faith Formation 

and Merger Staff


Evangelism & Congregational Transformation

Rev. Dr. R. Wayne Calhoun Sr.

Executive for Evangelism & Congregational Transformation and Merger Staff 


Disciples Women

Rev. Chelsa Nickelson

Program Director, Disciples Women,

and Merger Staff


Reconciliation Ministry Commission

Rev. April Johnson, Minister of Reconciliation


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